
Author's posts

Ohio Walleye Federation Holds 2nd Annual CBC Championship

The Ohio Walleye Federation held its annual 2-day CBC championship out of Ashtabula, OH on August 10th and 11th.  Twenty-three teams participated in the 100% payback championship.  Teams reported catching lots of fish, but finding and staying on the big fish amongst schools of walleyes which seemed to be miles long was the challenge.  At …

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Walleye Madness Gets Erie in Geneva

Coming off of a 5th place finish at the Walleye Madness Tournaments Lake Erie – Huron event in May, the team of Scott Geitgey and Jay Gullet, captured a first place finish at the WMT Lake Erie – Geneva, OH tournament held on July 21st.  Their 40.30 # five fish limit also earned them the …

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West Michigan Walleye Club – Port Clinton Results

6-20-13 RESULTS

NWA Hosting Lewis & Clark Tournament Oct. 20

VIEW FLYER Lewis and Clark Lake One-day tournament Rules meeting: Saturday, Oct. 19, at 6 p.m. at CJ’s at the Lake Entry fee: $180 Must be a 2014 Nebraska Walleye Association member to receive top gun points. If you have any questions, contact Mike Means at 402-637-6342.