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2024 Ohio River Sauger Club Schedule

2024 Ohio River Sauger Club Schedule   2/24/2024 – Ohio River, Neville Ramp 3/9/2024 – Ohio River, Neville Ramp 10/5/2024 – Ohio River, Neville Ramp 10/19/2024 – Ohio River, Neville Ramp

Nebraska Walleye Association 2024 Schedule

  Nebraska Walleye Association tournament information for 2024. NWA will hold 4 qualifying events and a team championship. In order to qualify for the Championship, a team must have fished two qualifiers or have won one of them. All team members must be NWA members in order to compete. More Information is available at …

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BRWC 2023 Team of the Year Results

BRWC 2023 Team of the Year Results

2023 Wyoming Walleye Club Side Pot Results

2023 Wyoming Walleye Club Side Pot Results Ft Peck 1 1. Bassett/Trautman 46.06 2. Baird/Huckins. 30.02 3. Bocek/ Verley 20.07 4. Sowerwine/Parsons 10.86 5. Goddard x2 4.24 6. Morgaridge/Rockafellow 3.31 7. McLaughlin x2 3.0 8. Gordon/Dittenbir 2.72 9. Wales/Hoffman 2.16 10. Bledsoex2 1.88 Ft Peck 2 1. Sowerwine/Parsons 19.42 2. Baird/Huckins 15.18 3. Goddard x2 …

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