
Author's posts

Cominsky, Canon Capture WMT-WT6 Finale!

Cominsky, Canon Capture WMT Finale   Conneaut, OH-August 12th 2017-Waleye Madness held its series finale on what would be a breezy day on Lake Erie. Teams launched boats at the Conneaut Port Authority Ramp set to find 5 fish to bring to the scales. Hard work prevailed as the team of Chase Cominsky and Lee …

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SIXTH ANNUAL ROD MARSHAL TOURNAMENT HELD ON HARLAN COUNTY LAKE By Sandi Lyons-Hoard             Saturday May 6 and Sunday May 7, 2017, the Sixth Annual Rod Marshal Fishing Tournament, hosted by the Harlan Anglers Walleye Club, was held on Harlan County Lake. Saturday the weather was overcast with no wind. Sunday was cloudy, warm with …

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Harlan Anglers Walleye Club Tournament held on Harlan County Lake

Harlan Anglers Walleye Club Tournament held on Harlan County Lake By Rod Hoard             Sunday June 4, 2017, the Harlan Anglers Walleye annual Fishing Tournament, hosted by the Harlan Anglers Walleye Club, was held on Harlan County Lake. The weather was sunny, hot with very little wind.  A total of 99 fish were caught Sunday …

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Harlan Anglers Walleye Club

Harlan Anglers Walleye Club Do you like to fish? Do you like spending time at Harlan County Lake? If your answer is yes to both questions come check out the Harlan Anglers Walleye Club. The Harlan Anglers Walleye Club—HAWC–is a local club that was started over twenty years ago by local fishermen. Today HAWC has …

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