Category: Club News

2023 Wyoming Walleye Club Side Pot Results

2023 Wyoming Walleye Club Side Pot Results Ft Peck 1 1. Bassett/Trautman 46.06 2. Baird/Huckins. 30.02 3. Bocek/ Verley 20.07 4. Sowerwine/Parsons 10.86 5. Goddard x2 4.24 6. Morgaridge/Rockafellow 3.31 7. McLaughlin x2 3.0 8. Gordon/Dittenbir 2.72 9. Wales/Hoffman 2.16 10. Bledsoex2 1.88 Ft Peck 2 1. Sowerwine/Parsons 19.42 2. Baird/Huckins 15.18 3. Goddard x2 …

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Cedar Valley Walleye League 2023 Season Results

CVWL Standings 2023 CVWL Wissota OPEN Standings CVWL OPEN Holcombe Standings 2023  

Western Ohio Walleye Club Side Pot Results

Ceasars Creek – June 11th PHILLIPS and PHILLIPS 13.20. Tony and Steve, 12.70. Hill and Becker 12.15. Rob and Bill Porter, 11.66. Clark and Clark 8.58. Dudley and Dudley 8.21. Menker and Menker 6.20. Fill stall header, and Jason O’Brien 3.96. Wolf / Wolf  3.01. James Smith, James Wong, 2.86. John Long and Jason Minger, …

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Ohio River Saugeye Club Results October 21st, 2023

Ohio River Saugeye Club Results October 21st, 2023