TWF’s Open Event Series Travels to Lake Wissota July 31

TWFlogo_250Grassroots fishing –  Only a $200 per team entry fee-   Win CASH & paid entries into the Cabela’s Master’s Walleye Circuit, as well as, berths into the Cabela’s National Team Championship!!

TWF Open’s have had increasingly good turnouts both on Dubuque and Lake Winnebago.  The third tournament in the series is July 31 on Lake Wissota in Eau Claire, Wisc.

For full details of the event click HERE or contact us at 580.765.9031;

TWF Member Opens are open to all two-person teams regardless of club or sponsor affiliation, however, all anglers must be members of The Walleye Federation or join at the time of registration. Payouts are based on the number of paid teams fishing each event.

Registrations MUST be received by noon on Friday before the event, you can pay at the ramp, but it will be with a $25 late fee and you MUST have your membership card with you or be charged for a membership.  So, best way is to pre-register online!)

.If you need a new membership card just contacts us Monday through Friday and we can email you one ASAP.



Immediate Press Release                                                                                            For more information, contact:                                                                                      Jon Siembor-OWF Committee                                                                               (440)344-0145                                                                                  

OWFANDOVER, Ohio -The Ohio Walleye Federation held its final tournament of the 2016 season on Pymatuning Lake located on the northern border of Ohio and Pennsylvania.  The two day event, held on Saturday June 11th and Sunday June 12th, allows anglers to compete for the title of 2016 In-Land Lake Champions.   Twenty- seven teams fished the 17 mile long lake looking for monster walleye that would win them a share of $6,000 in prize money.

The father and son team of Dennis Sharrone of Hiram, Ohio and Denny Sharrone of Chardon, Ohio were crowned 2016 OWF ILC Champions.  Team Sharrone took 1st place honors weighing in a two day total of 10 fish at a staggering 48.56 lbs.  Dennis Sharrone humbly stated “It still has not sunk in that such a little spot could produce such quality fish for two days”.   The family duo jigged firetiger Northland Weed Weasels on the edge of weeds in 3 ½ to 4 feet of water earning them a $2400 purse.

Second place was awarded to Sam Cappelli and Ted Jackson with 44.08 lbs.  Third place went to Anthony Naples and Christopher Durkin with a creel of 34.69 lbs.  The teams of Mitch Shipman and Rick Mulraney 34.31 lbs. and Bret Berkey and Nate Arnold 26.57 lbs. completed the top five.  The Haines Marine Day 1 Big Fish was won by Cappelli and Jackson and topped 8.00 lbs.   The Ravenna Marine Day 2 Big Fish belonged to the Sharrones weighing in at 7.38 lbs.

Mixed weather featuring two cold fronts and high winds throughout the week, kept anglers scattered.   Fishing reports indicated that the bite was off; there was no rhyme or reason as to where the fish were located.   Saturday featured 91 degree heat with 10-20 mph winds.  High winds persisted thru Sunday, but a cold front dropped temperatures 23 degrees for a day time high of 68 degrees.  Fish were found jigging shallow as well as trolling over deep water during prefishing.

The top five teams jigged up their creels in the north end of the lake using 1/16 oz. to 1/8 oz. Northland jigs and custom Samantha jigs.  Jigs were tipped with half crawlers or leeches.  Jigs featuring green, orange and gold color arrays caught the walleyes attention.   Team Sharrone reported jig fishing the same weed patch with 4th place finishers Shipman/Mulraney and commented on the sportsmanship each team exhibited to fish successfully in close quarters for two days.  Each team talked to one another, laughed and had fun fishing…..that is what it is all about!

The OWF also wrapped up its season by paying out $1000 in prize money to the season’s top 3 points teams.  Points are awarded to a team based on their finish in each of the previous tournaments.   A $500 payout went to the team of Sam Capelli and Ted Jackson for their 1st place finish.  2nd place honors good for $300 went to Anthony Naples and Chris Durkin.  $200 for 3rd place was awarded to Mitch Shipman and Rick Mulraney.   An additional $750 in sponsor gift cards were paid to teams finishing 4th thru 14th place.

The OWF also held a Cabela’s NTC side pot each day of the event(details can be found at  The side pot allows anglers a chance to win a paid entry to the 2017 Cabela’s National Team Championship being held on Lake Erie in Lorain Ohio June 8th thru the 11th 2017.  Day one side pot winners were Dennis and Denny Sharrone with 22.64 lbs. Day 2 side pot winners were Matt Whitacre and Jim Gwynn with a weight of 19.66 lbs.  Whitacre/Gwynn diligently worked a troll bite in high gusting winds to grind out a 5 fish limit.

A picnic was held Saturday evening sponsored by the OWF Committee and volunteers.  60 fisherman and family members attended and talked fishing, ate good food, and relaxed.  The OWF promotes “Fishing, Family, Friends and Fun!”

The Ohio Walleye Federation will hold its annual Vic’s Challenge at Geneva, Ohio Lake Erie Saturday July 16th and the Geneva State Park launch.   This event will also feature a NTC side pot.   The OWF events are possible because of our sponsor support.  For more information please visit or e mail  Check us out on FACEBOOK- Ohio Walleye Federation.

The general public is welcome to attend our weigh-in beginning at 4 pm the day of the event

Ohio Walleye Federation-Pymatuning Lake 2 Day Tournament:

1st Place  $2200  Dennis Sharrone and Denny Sharrone    48.56 lbs

2nd Place $1100  Sam Cappelli and Ted Jackson                    44.08 lbs

3rd Place   $800   Anthony Naples and Chris Durkin             34.69 lbs

4th Place   $600   Mitch Shipman and Rick Mulraney           34.31 lbs

5th Place   $400   Brett Berkey and Nate Arnold                    26.57 lbs

Big Fish    $150    Sam Cappelli and Ted Jackson                       8.00 lbs (Day 1)

Big Fish    $150    Dennis Sharrone and Denny Sharrone       7.38 lbs (Day 2)

Raffle Prizes:

  1. 50 quart Canyon Cooler
  2. One RS Walleye Net
  3. 2 each Ugly Stick Line Counter Reels
  4. 3 each Mepp’s Walleye Kits
  5. $25(1) Fish USA gift card
  6. $20(2) Goschinski’s Fin, Feather and Fur gift card
  7. $25(1)Kame’s gift card
  8. One Snakebite snap weights system box
  9. Two Reef Runner Boxes
  10. 4 sets of Redneck weights
  11. Fish USA T Shirt


$50 gift card for 2nd Big Fish each day awarded

$150 “Thank You for fishing” random draw prize for non money winners


Special Thanks to all of our sponsors:

Ravenna Marine-ILC Title Sponsor

Vic’s Sports Center-Lake Erie Title Sponsor

Haines Marine

Worldwide Marine

Goschinski’s Fin, Feather & Fur


Canyon Cooler

Reef Runner

Church’s Tackle



Fish USA

Redneck Outfitters

Rodmaker’s Shop

BayRat Lures

RS Nets



Thank you Pymatuning State Park, community and businesses for supporting our anglers and playing host to a great time!!!



By Rod Hoard

Sunday June 5, 2016, the Harlan Anglers Walleye Fishing Tournament, hosted by the Harlan Anglers Walleye Club, was held on Harlan County Lake.  Fishing was tough as a total of 96 fish were caught Sunday. 59 teams from Nebraska, Kansas, and Colorado participated in this year’s tournament.

The “Big Fish,” caught by Jim Prevette from Juanita and Gary Prevette from Hastings, Ne., weighed 7.56 pounds and paid $590. This tournaments entry fee was $170 and had 100% payouts that were paid to a total of 11 winning teams. Listed are the top five teams:

First Place at a cash prize of $3,300 went to James Beisner from Bertrand, Ne., and Steve Maurer from Atlanta, Ne. Total weight of fish caught was 15.94 lbs.

IMG_1721Second Place at a cash prize of $2,100 went to Luke Henderson and Jeremy Collinson of Doniphan Ne. Total weight of fish caught was 15.80 pounds.

Third Place at a cash prize of $1,340 went to Randall Downing and Dave Burnham of Hastings, Ne. Total weight of fish caught was 13.84 pounds.

Fourth Place at a cash prize of $680 went to Rod Bartels of Holdrege Ne. and Justin Debrie of Gibbon, Ne.  Total weight of fish caught was 12.20 pounds.

Fifth Place at a cash prize of $570 went to Rick Perkins of Ashland Ne. and Matt Duncan of Lincoln, Ne. Total weight of fish caught was 11.84 pounds.




Yough Walleye winners

1 Ryan Rieger/Rich Fike …………………22.21 pounds

2 Tyler Brown/Dan Pocratsk …………… 17.44 pounds

3 Mike Siesky/Kevin Siesky ………………15.92 pounds

4 Tommy Lonce/Matthew Potocar ………14.48 pounds

5 John Paul Prinkey/Bob Stone …………12.22 pounds


The Yough Walleye Association held the 22nd Annual Open Walleye Tournament on 6-4-16 on the Youghiogheny Reservoir. We had a total of 25 teams that entered the tournament. We paid the top 5 teams for the day. Most of the teams jigged but the top teams caught most of their fish trolling in the weeds.

First place was won by Ryan Rieger and Rich Fike with 22.21 pounds. They also won the Lunker pot with a walleye weighing in at 5.18 pounds, as well as, the NTC sidepot tournament for the 2017 NTC in Loraine, Ohio.