2016 Bago Walleye Club Schedule


Winneconnee Park –  Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Menominee Park – Sunday, June 5th, 2016

Menominee Park – Sunday, July 10th, 2016

Menominee Park – Sunday, July 31st, 2016

2016 Nebraska Walleye Association Schedule

Harlan – September 27th, 2015

Harlan – April 23rd & 24th, 2016

McConaughy – June 11th & 12th, 2016

Merritt – August 6th & 7th, 2016

Registration Closes Friday July 29 for TWF Open on Lake Wissota!

Registration closes Friday, July 29 at 12pm CT; Register Today!

TWFlogo_250Grassroots fishing –  Only a $200 per team entry fee-   Win CASH & paid entries into the Cabela’s Master’s Walleye Circuit, as well as, berths into the Cabela’s National Team Championship!!

TWF Open’s have had increasingly good turnouts both on Dubuque and Lake Winnebago.  The third tournament in the series is July 31 on Lake Wissota in Eau Claire, Wisc.

For full details of the event click HERE or contact us at 580.765.9031; info@walleyefederation.com.

TWF Member Opens are open to all two-person teams regardless of club or sponsor affiliation, however, all anglers must be members of The Walleye Federation or join at the time of registration. Payouts are based on the number of paid teams fishing each event.

Registrations MUST be received by noon on Friday before the event, you can pay at the ramp, but it will be with a $25 late fee and you MUST have your membership card with you or be charged for a membership.  So, best way is to pre-register online!)

.If you need a new membership card just contacts us Monday through Friday and we can email you one ASAP.

3rd TWF Open Event July 31 on Lake Wissota

Register Now!

TWFlogo_250Grassroots fishing –  Only a $200 per team entry fee-   Win CASH & paid entries into the Cabela’s Master’s Walleye Circuit, as well as, berths into the Cabela’s National Team Championship!!

TWF Open’s have had increasingly good turnouts both on Dubuque and Lake Winnebago.  The third tournament in the series is July 31 on Lake Wissota in Eau Claire, Wisc.

For full details of the event click HERE or contact us at 580.765.9031; info@walleyefederation.com.

TWF Member Opens are open to all two-person teams regardless of club or sponsor affiliation, however, all anglers must be members of The Walleye Federation or join at the time of registration. Payouts are based on the number of paid teams fishing each event.

Registrations MUST be received by noon on Friday before the event, you can pay at the ramp, but it will be with a $25 late fee and you MUST have your membership card with you or be charged for a membership.  So, best way is to pre-register online!)

.If you need a new membership card just contacts us Monday through Friday and we can email you one ASAP.