Future Fisherman Auction Ends Sunday!

Future Fisherman Foundation

Terrific Christmas Gifts Await in Future Fisherman Foundation Auction

The Future Fisherman Foundation once again brings a terrific selection of fishing trips and merchandise for the fishing community. But, don’t wait too long to place a bid as the auction ends on Sunday, December 6!
Great fishing experiences include trips with top pros like Fred Rombanis, Larry Nixon, Scott Suggs and reigning Bassmaster Classic Champion, Casey Ashley!

Want to find out how to catch lunker Walleye’s? Try a trip with Berkley Pro Korey Sprengel. Fishing with these top professionals is a once in a lifetime opportunity so don’t miss your chance! Click HERE to bid now!

Interested in top fishing gear and merchandise? See the custom autographed sub-laminate jersey’s from Classic Champion Casey Ashley and Randy Howell, as well as, tackle packages from Wally Marshall and TTI Blakemore.
The Future Fisherman Foundation Auction benefits programs like Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs all while offering a terrific gift opportunity for those who are all hard to buy for!

But remember the auction ends on Sunday, December 6 so don’t hesitate; BID NOW!

2015 Future Fisherman Auction to include Berkley walleye pro Korey Sprengel and legendary Ranger Boats founder, Forrest L. Wood

SuggsPONCA CITY, Okla. (November 17, 2015) – The Future Fisherman Foundation announced today its annual online auction is scheduled for November 30-December 7. The auction will once again boast an impressive lineup of outdoor products and guided fresh and saltwater fishing trips.ashley_casey_1

This year’s event is headlined by a half day fishing trip with Forrest Wood Cup $Million Dollar Winner, Scott Suggs and reigning Classic Champion and Quantum Pro, Casey Ashley, plus lunch with Ranger Boats founder, Forrest L. Wood. They all offered to support the event that powers programs like Hooked on Fishing, Not on Drugs, and now interested bidders have a chance at once in a lifetime trips with fishing royalty!

“The number and quality of fishing trips from across the country on this year’s list are amazing, with many being hosted by top professional anglers and fishing celebrities,” Future Fisherman’s, Mark Gintert, said. “The thought of winning a trip with reigning Scott Suggs or Casey Ashley is unbelievable. Add in a potential lunch date with Forrest Wood and you have the making of a very special event for the F3 Foundation,” Gintert added.

woodThe important fundraiser for the non-profit organization is managed on eBay and helps support Future Fisherman’s
“Ensuring the Future of Fishing” mission.

The auction opens at 8am CST, November 30 and runs for seven days. Participation is easy; visit www.futurefisherman.org and click on the “F3 Auctions” tab. Then, follow the links to the eBay non-profit auction site for viewing and bidding on the items.

The prizes are awarded after the auction’s end so those who have purchased them as gifts will have them in time for Christmas.

The Foundation is still accepting donations for the auction. Those interested in providing fishing trips, products and memorabilia or who have questions can email info@futurefisherman.org or call 580-765-9031.

All proceeds from the auction help the Future Fisherman Foundation’s efforts to engage today’s youth in positive lifestyle activities like fishing and the great outdoors.

Established in 1986, the Future Fisherman Foundation unites the sportfishing industry and a nationwide network of state outdoor educators, national conservation groups and youth organizations.

Although youth focused, the efforts help people of all ages have safe and enjoyable fishing experiences while also fostering conservation ethics.

Like us on Facebook for the latest updates on listed items and all things, F3!

The Future Fisherman Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit’s 2015 World Walleye Championship Comes To Lake Erie Oct. 22-24 At Huron, Ohio Presented by Cabela’s

2015-MWC-logoPonca City, Okla.—Oct. 16, 2015—A high-stakes, big-fish battle of epic proportions is expected when North America’s top two-person walleye-fishing teams clash on legendary Lake Erie out of Huron, Ohio, Oct. 22-24 at the Cabela’s Masters Walleye Circuit’s 2015 World Walleye Championship.

Presented by Cabela’s, the event pits the top point-accumulating teams from the 2014 MWC season, which spanned seven states and included 10 qualifiers on world-class walleye waters such as the Illinois, Detroit and Mississippi rivers, Green Bay, Big Stone Lake, Kinzua Reservoir, Cass Lake Chain and Lake Erie.

Each spot in the field is by invitation-only and highly coveted among tournament anglers across the Walleye Belt. Along with a chance to claim the celebrated title of “World Walleye Champions,” the event offers more than $100,000 in cash and prizes. Plus, sponsor contingencies including Ranger Cup, Lowrance Electronics, Abu Garcia, Okuma and the Zippo Hot Hands Big Fish Award add thousands more to the total.

The field includes 2014 Cabela’s NTC champions Ross Neubauer and Jamie Tourangeau, reigning Cabela’s MWC world walleye champions Derek Navis and Korey Sprengel, and 2014 Cabela’s MWC Team of the Year Jeff Koester and Scott Rhodes.

Walleye fans of all ages are invited to cheer the teams on at the 7 a.m. take-off each morning at the Huron Boat Basin, then return at 3 p.m. to watch the Championship drama unfold live at the weigh-ins—which are free and open to the public.

Adding to the excitement, on-the-water and weigh-in action will be filmed for national television airing on Federation Angler TV, which appears on NBC Sports and the Pursuit Channel.

As a bonus for budding walleye anglers, the Cabela’s MWC, National Professional Anglers Association, Pure Fishing and Zippo Outdoor Brands will present a Youth & Family Fishing Clinic immediately after Saturday’s weigh-in, with participating youths receiving rod-and-reel combos courtesy of the NPAA.

Under the umbrella of The Walleye Federation (TWF), the Cabela’s MWC is open to avid walleye anglers from all walks of life. The 2016 schedule will be released shortly.

Cabela’s, the World’s Foremost Outfitter for hunting, fishing and outdoor gear, is concluding its 14th season as title sponsor of the MWC. Official sponsors include: Berkley Gulp!, Abu Garcia, Lowe Equipment Attachments, Lowrance Electronics, Mercury Marine, Ranger Boats, MotorGuide, The Walleye Federation and Zippo Outdoor Brands. Associate sponsors include: Yellow Bird Fishing Products, Okuma, T-H Marine and Tight Lines Jewelry. For more information, visit masterswalleyecircuit.com, email info@masterswalleyecircuit.com, or call (580) 765-9031.

Bay De Noc Great Lakes Sportfishermen Results

The Bay De Noc Great Lakes Sportfishermen announce results of the annual Wal-Mart Bay’s Classic that took place out of Escanaba on August 8th. The event also held a NTC sidepot that 18 teams participated in. A total of 20 teams fished the event on the Bays for a great day on the water with every team catching fish. 9 teams finished approx 1 1/2 pounds out of first place, a true battle of some of the best walleye fisherman in the area.


The team of Don Alimenti and Steve Martin took honors weighing a 3 fish limit for 19.11 pounds. The first place team took home a $500.00 check and captured the NTC sidepot prize, which includes a paid spot in the 2016 Cabela’s National Team Championship in Escanaba. The remainder of the field finished as follows:


  1. Nick Kallio & Kyle Eastman                 19.3 pounds
  2. Todd Schram & Morgan Schram         18.12 pounds
  3. Pat Cassidy & Don Corbet                   18.8 pounds
  4. Brian Helgemo & Jim Helgemo            18.6 pounds
  5. Jim Peterson & Greg Joseph               18.4 pounds
  6. Lynn Hanisko & Shaun Porath             18.4 pounds
  7. Jerry Plourde & Charlie Jack                18.2 pounds
  8. Frank Sliva & Brendan Sliva                 18.1 pounds
  9. Neil Armatti & Kevin Lebeauf              17.13 pounds
  10. Scott Peterson & Jamie Tourangeau  17.12 pounds
  11. Bryan Anderson & Milt Anderson        17.7 pounds
  12. Jason Forvilly & Jon Way                    17.6 pounds
  13. Derek Parker & Ben Spriks                  16.1 pounds
  14. Loren Kositzky & Tom Tellefson          15.14 pounds
  15. Brian Houghton & Jaime Houghton     13.7 pounds
  16. Bert Wilson & Jerry Wery                    13.7 pounds
  17. Kevin Gartland & Mark Kallio              11.14 pounds
  18. Gordon Stone & William Webber        4.6 pounds
  19. John Creten & Christian Creten          2.10 pounds


The next NTC qualifier/sidepot club tournament (Cliff D’Arcy Memorial) will be held September 12th. The event will take place in Cedar River, Michigan at the Cedar River State boat ramp. Teams can sign up for the sidepot online on the TWF website. The winner of the sidepot (min 10 teams) will receive a spot in the 2016 Cabela’s NTC in Escanaba. For additional questions contact Jerry Plourde at 906-420-0022.