Twin Ports Walleye Association

2014 Berg Cup Results

2014 June Shootout Results

2014 Summer Slam Results

West Michigan Walleye Club

Results – Tournament on Saginaw Bay, Tawas, MI

Big Mac NWA/CWA Tournament

The Nebraska Walleye Association and the Colorado Walleye Association joined forces to run a tournament together on the largest reservoir in Nebraska.  The two one day tournaments were held June 28 and 29.  The rules meeting were held at Admiral’s Cove Resort on Friday June 27.  61 of the top teams from Nebraska/Colorado entered the tournaments.

Saturday brought warm weather and a hot bite.  There were a variety of tactics being used to catch the elusive walleye.  Jigging, Trolling and Lindy rigs were all on the docket today.  The top team of Mueller/Mueller brought in a healthy basket of 27.95 lbs., 2nd place went to father son team of Ericson/Ericson 24.9 lbs, and finishing out the top three were the team of Richardson/Hazen with 23.21lbs.

The fourth place team of Bill McGannon and Brian Hunke had a very nice weight of 22.79lbs.  Bill and Brian were the top qualifying team for the TWF sidepot.  The TWF team wins a guaranteed paid spot into the 2015 NTC being held at Milford Lake.  Congratulations to all the top teams from Saturday.

Sunday brought the same warm weather and a hot bite.  Many of the competitors were chomping at the bit to go fishing after Saturday’s large weights.  The father/son team of Bosard/Bosard brought in the largest basket of the day at 28.88 lbs., the team of Ericson/Ericson came in at 27.68 lbs. and rounding out the top three were the team of Presley/Otte with 23.38lbs.  Congratulations to these fine teams for the impressive weights and professionalism shown.

Sunday sadly didn’t meet the required amount of teams for the TWF Side-pot.  The NWA and CWA would highly recommend that all of the anglers participating in our tournaments to check out The Walleye Federations side pot program and the benefits, it brings to our tournaments.

The weekend spent with old friends and new ones was awesome.  A big thank you to both the NWA and CWA volunteers that made these combined tournaments a wonderful success.  Here is hoping that these combined tournaments can keep growing and working together into the future.

Merritt Open and State Championship

The Nebraska Walleye Association held its last qualifying tournament and state championship of the 2014 season at Merritt Reservoir near Valentine Nebraska on July 26 and 27.  The tournament was held in conjunction with the The Bass Federation’s high school state championship on Saturday June 26.  Rules meeting for the event were held at Beed’s Landing on Friday night June 25.  The rules meeting for this weekend included a fish fry, sides and cold beverages for all the participants provided for by the NWA tournament division.

27 teams participated at the tournament on Saturday June 26.  The weather was very stable and the bite for the entire field was very good.  The 1st place team on Saturday was Green and Anderson with a weight of 25.73 lbs, 2nd place went to the father/son team of Hankla’s with a weight of 23.53 lbs. and rounding out the top three were the team of Smutny/Smutny with 23 lbs.  Congratulations to these top teams.

070Saturday was the last qualifying points tournament for the NWA.  This year’s Top Gun winners were the team of Brandon Shada and Jason Hettler.  Jason and Brandon had a fantastic year and barely beat out the father son team of Rick Smutny and Dalton Smutny.  Congratulations, goes out to these fine men.

080The second day of the tournament was the NWA’s state championship.   Sunday brought cooler conditions and a slower bite.  The top team on Sunday was the father son team of Rowland/Rowland, who participated in the bass tournament on Saturday.  2nd place honors went to Chad Warriner and Lane Werner.  Round out the top team were the team of Hankla and Hankla.  Congratulations, goes out to these fine teams.

The first tournament for the 2015 season for the NWA will be held October 5, 2014 at Harlan Reservoir.  Saturday, October 4, at The Beach Bar and Grill will be the rules meeting.

The NWA had a very fun year fishing around the state and nation together but we did have some serious bump in the road.  Two very good friends of the NWA lost their lives this year.  Big prayer for Rick Hesse and Austin Olivier as you both will be missed but never forgotten.  God Bless you two.

Day 1 Results

Day 2 Results